

S-Bond Ultrasonic Soldering Lab Trials & Equipment Leasing

Laboratory Trials & Equipment Leasing Available

S-Bond Technologies has over 15 years of ultrasonic soldering experience, soldering a wide range of materials and we offer our experience, equipment and materials to support customers’ needs, now including the lease and/or purchase of ultrasonic soldering systems. After years of experience working with our customers, we’ve realized that many want to “kick the tires” of their own processes in their facilities.  Therefore, we now offer S-Bond ultrasonic soldering lab trials and equipment leasing arrangements with various commercial ultrasonic soldering systems. With the high expense of such systems, leasing month by month offers customers the ability to conduct their own trials at their facilities before they commit to purchasing. Alternatively, we can provide development laboratory services with customer witnessing first hand at our facility, the benefits of ultrasonic soldering processes and S-Bond active solders.

Ultrasonic soldering technology is presented on another page in this site and there are many references that speak to its advantage. There are several advantages to ultrasonic soldering… It is a fluxless process, utilizing acoustically driven mechanical energy to fracture and disrupt oxide films on solder and base materials to promote solder wetting and and adherence. Flux can contaminate and damage/corrode sensitive materials, so fluxless soldering is advantageous. Ultrasonic soldering can also be very useful in sensitive base materials, since the soldering iron tips only need be immersed in the molten solder pool for the mechanical activation to work. 

Ultrasonic Soldering Testing and Production Services

S-Bond Technologies has its own ultrasonic soldering iron and solder pot systems and with its experience can quickly make assessments, develop and demonstrate ultrasonic soldering processes on customer parts. Since ultrasonic soldering systems are expensive ( $7,000 – 15,000 USD), our services can be used to quickly evaluate the technology in their own applications before they invest in their own systems. Alternatively, if the customer cannot justify the cost of their own systems or to maintaining another operator skill set, then S-Bond Technologies offers production ultrasonic soldering services.

Ultrasonic Soldering Equipment

S-Bond Technologies maintains and uses many hand held ultrasonic soldering iron systems and with its partners we can support the purchase and training and set up such systems.

Please Contact Us, if you would like to purchase ultrasonic soldering services, conduct process development with S-Bond ultrasonic soldering lab trials and equipment leasing, or purchase S-Bond solder materials or Test Kits.

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