Solutions & Services
Active Soldering Materials

Ultrasonic Active Solders
Active solders are a special class of solder filler metals that contain active elements such as In, Ti, Hf, Zr and rare earth elements (Ce, La, and Lu). Active means they readily react with and reduce oxides and other compounds to form a modified compound that binds the solder filler metal to the base materials. Solders when alloyed with these elements are called active since they directly act on the metal/glass/ceramic surfaces to create a bond. S-Bond Technologies specializes in active solder technology and offers a range of active solders that work extremely well in fluxless, ultrasonic soldering processes.
For many years Indium and Cerasolzer solders have been considered “active” and have been used in combination with ultrasonic soldering processes to bond to glasses. S-Bond Technologies, has developed a new, more effective family of ultrasonic soldering-capable alloys which rely on additions Ti, rare earth elements, gallium and in some cases magnesium to Sn, Sn-Ag, Sn-In, Bi-Sn and Zn-Al base solders. These ultrasonic active solders work extremely well in combination with ultrasonic active soldering processes for bonding to metals, ceramics, glasses and composites.
For many years Indium and Cerasolzer solders have been considered “active” and have been used in combination with ultrasonic soldering processes to bond to glasses. S-Bond Technologies, has developed a new, more effectrive family of ultrasonic soldering-capable alloys which rely on addtions Ti, rare earth elements, gallium and in some cases magnesium to Sn, Sn-Ag, Sn-In, Bi-Sn and Zn-Al base solders. These ultrasonic active solders work extremely well in combination with ultrasonic soldering processes for bonding to metals, ceramics, glasses and composites.
Also see S-Bond Alloys for more information on ultrasonic active soldering and ultrasonic Active Solder technology.
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